Is your Cellphone worth it?
Cellphones. In present times, almost everyone carries one. It's Benefits v/s Harms is the most debatable topic of these times. We all realize how important this gadget has become for one and all. However we shun away from the most alarming effect of cellphones, i.e., they are driving us away from our nearest ones. We have connected to the whole wide world which is miles away from us, but unfortunately we have got disconnected from our closest ones, our family members. The level of cellphone addiction is so high that even after realising this fact, we are not able to keep aside this gadget even when we are with our family. Who is paying the price of this addiction? We and our family members, of course.
Cellphones are carrying us near to the Virtual World and driving us away from the Real. It's high time that we recognize this addiction and find out ways to do away with it, develop the determination and work on it.
Let's discuss what can be done.
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